Diamond Systems Limited

".... providing things honest in the sight of all men ...." Romans 10:17

Diamond Systems Limited provides some of the best Computers and accessories in market. The products sold by the company come from reputable companies such as Dell, Compaq, HP, AOpen and Toshiba. Purchases of computers come with such benefits such as Return to base warranty of 2 years. Also a free online Bible Software.

Computer Hardware and Software support
System downtime impacts negatively on the productivity of an organization. Diamond Systems ensures that you are always up and running.
Computer Hardware Sales
Apart from our own high quality Diamond Systems range of computers,
Diamond Systems Ltd also provides the world leading Compaq and Dell range of Computers.

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World Class Systems at World Market Prices
Repair and Maintenance
Quick Delivery


Computers | Main Boards | Multimedia Accessories | Memory Modules | Pentium Processors | Keyboards & Mouse | Monitors | Printers | Software | Floppy Disk drive | Modems | Network Accessories | Scanner | UPS

Whether it is the purchase of a printer or a top of the range server, we have the solution for you. Click here to check out what we are offering
Connectivity Solutions
Diamond Systems Ltd provides end-to-end networking solutions that build a unified information infrastructure. An end-to-end networking solution is one that provides a common architecture that delivers consistent network services to all users. The broader the range of network services, the more capabilities a network can provide to users connected to it. Whether it is the design and implementation of a small network or a Campus network Diamond Systems Ltd will find the appropriate solution. By developing close ties with leaders like 3-Com and Nexans, we make sure we deliver a fully-integrated solution that optimizes superior technology and support.
Diamond Systems Limited 2005 - All rights reserved
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