Diamond Systems Limited

".... providing things honest in the sight of all men ...." Romans 10:17
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World Class Systems at World Market Prices
Network Cable


Computers | Main Boards | Multimedia Accessories | Memory Modules | Pentium Processors | Keyboards & Mouse | Monitors | Printers | Software | Floppy Disk drive | Modems | Network Accessories | Scanner | UPS

Whether it is the purchase of a printer or a top of the range server, we have the solution for you.
Connectivity Solutions
Diamond Systems Ltd provides end-to-end networking solutions that build a unified information infrastructure. An end-to-end networking solution is one that provides a common architecture that delivers consistent network services to all users. The broader the range of network services, the more capabilities a network can provide to users connected to it. Whether it is the design and implementation of a small network or a Campus network Diamond Systems Ltd will find the appropriate solution. By developing close ties with leaders like 3-Com and Nexans, we make sure we deliver a fully-integrated solution that optimizes superior technology and support.
Diamond Systems Limited 2005 - All rights reserved
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US Robotics Internal Fax modem
DLink 8 port  Switch board
US Robotics 56k Ext Fax Modem